
Friday, July 30, 2010

The Almighty Cupcake- July 26, 2010

Today’s focus is on the all-mighty cupcake.

Last night I skipped the gym due to ridiculous congestion and stumbled across a new show on TLC, DC Cupcakes. Now for anyone who really knows me, you know cupcakes are extremely high on my list of favorite things. You can yell at me, take me for granted, and piss me off, but bring me a cupcake and all is forgotten. Oh and I’m not kidding, ask my husband. After watching episodes one and two and falling head over heels in love with Katherine and Sophie, I felt the need to cyber stalk them today. In my quest to learn any and everything I could about their cupcakes, which look like perfectly decorated mounds of heaven, I became not only captivated by them but equally enthralled by the story of two sisters who quit their 9 to 5’s to follow their dreams. That’s what I’m talkin about....

As I sat in my cubicle eating my veggie delight, I figured I would do a comparison between Georgetown Cupcakes and my adorable, chic, local cupcake shop—let’s just call it PA Cupcakes. Let me give you a little backstory on my local shop. It’s located in the same plaza as my trusted Trader Joe’s, and for months before it opened I would gaze at the pink and brown sign in the window that said, “coming soon.” Oh how I waited for that day. Once it opened, I was there, wallet in hand, to buy a dozen mini cupcakes. I took them home, eyed them up, and then took a bite of each and every one, passing the half-eaten cake to Mike, a.k.a. “Mikey,” to finish. We were both in love—with the cupcakes that is. And even though they were pretty expensive I rationalized that we work hard and deserve to spoil ourselves every once and a while, and that you can’t put a price tag on what you put into your body. Or can you?

I’m not sure why, but I decided to do a comparison of DC Cupcakes and PA Cupcakes to see what I’d find. And in all honesty there is no comparison, at least not that I can see. The shop in DC appears to be better all the way around, hands down. They have a better variety, a better presentation, better packaging, and hold on to your seat for this one, better prices!!!! How can that be? Certainly the prices would be higher in the swanky shop in our nation’s capitol than in Pennsylvania, right? WRONG! The price of a regular-size cupcake is $2.75, and $29.00 for a dozen at Georgetown Cupcake, whereas the PA cupcakes are $3.50 for an individual and $36.00 for a dozen. Are you kidding me???? Now like I said, the cupcakes at PA are good, they really are, but are they THAT good?

In order to determine whether the PA cupcakes are really worth the extra dinero, I feel the need to place an order with Georgetown Cupcakes, have them shipped to me, and do a taste test, sampling each and every one of the pint-sized decadent treats. I do feel the need to clarify that I’m all about supporting my local businesses, but quite frankly in this case I feel—how can I say this?—robbed, not by the 75 cents for the individual cupcake, but by the $7.00 for the dozen. I mean come on, who buys only one cupcake?

So, even though I’m dieting to prepare for my September trip to Bermuda, I’m going to suck it up (more like scarf them down) and place an order with Georgetown Cupcakes tomorrow morning to see if the old adage “you get what you pay for” is true, or if less IS really more. I guess in a day or so, I’ll be the judge.

Results to follow.

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